Does your house need re-wiring?

You flip the light switch and the lights come on. You turn on the TV and it starts to glow. You open the refrigerator and get a blast of cold air. Surely this must mean that the electrical wiring inside your home is up to date and working perfectly; right? Not necessarily. If your house is 40 years+ you may have to look at upgrading the electrical wiring – especially if you’re looking to sell or rent out. Old porcelain fuses are out, RCDs are…
Investigating a power outage

A common problem that can occur is a power outage to part or all of you home. Before calling out an electrician – do a few basic checks to find out if it is a blown fuse/ RCD, A power outage or a faulty appliance causing a short. . What to do? If it’s a total power outage – check with the neighbours. If you’re not the only one experiencing problems then it’s a Western Power issue. Phone them on 13 13 51 to confirm,…
Smoke Alarm Maintenance

Changes to Smoke Alarm Laws: Residential properties that are subject to sale, or for rent are now required under the Building Regulations 2012 to have compliant mains powered smoke alarms installed. Battery powered smoke alarms may be installed where consumer mains power is not connected to the dwelling or where there is no hidden space in the existing dwelling in which to run the necessary wiring for hard wired smoke alarms, for example where there is a concrete ceiling. The use of battery powered smoke…
LED Lights and TV Interference
Some models of LED light globes may cause interference to television and digital radio reception. This may present as a sudden loss of signal or picture quality in a residence or neighbouring residences where LED lights are installed – usually in the evening when everyone starts putting the lights on. A Simple test to perform before replaceing yout antenna or calling in a sparky is to switch your LED lights off while viewing the affected television channel. If your television signal immediately returns to normal…